I’m still here!


It’s been almost a month since I last blogged. I’ve been having some bad days. Today I even had to have some oxygen. My endometriosis makes my seizures worse when my period is about to start. I haven’t had one since February (not pregnant !) but I’ve had all my symptoms of being in miserable pain everyday :/ each day my seizures get more violent. I wish I could take birth control to regulate my periods but my lupus makes me allergic to sulfa drugs which is pretty much in every birth control.

Sorry if that was tmi for some people.

I would go ahead with my hysterectomy, but Shawn and I want another baby someday. Not soon though. We want my lupus and seizures under control & living on our own first. And we’d like Emma to be 5 or 6 years old. So I got 3 to 4 years left to get in gear.

First step is getting my Medicaid back! We’re stilling gathering up all the paperwork to re apply. You’d think since I was on Medicaid for so long they’d already have these things on file! :/ I hate that Medicaid makes you jump through so many hoops to get health insurance! I think people who suffer from life threatening and autoimmune illnesses so get Medicaid automatically. Along with children. If Emma lost her Medicaid I’d be pissed!

Enough ranting.

In the past month:
Emma got sick from to much chocolate on Easter. Emma had a fun time 🙂 I’ll have to post some pictures.

She had her 2 year check up! Emma is 28 pounds and 33 inches tall! She’s small for her age but she’s tall. She’s in the 30th percentile which means if you lines her up with a bunch of girls her age she’d be taller than 30% of them! She gets that from her daddy! Which is good because I hate being short lol.

I’ve been reading a lot and set a reading goal on http://www.shelfari.com of 100 books this year. You can find my virtual bookshelf at http://www.shelfari.com/missiebookhaven. So far I’m on book 24! I have a feeling I might go past 100 books!

Hope all of you are well!


Look whose turning 2!

Happy birthday to our beautiful baby girl! Emma you’re so smart, funny, creative, mischievous and so much more! Daddy and I love you so much! With you around there will never be another dull moment in our lives! We can’t believe you’re officially TWO years old today!!!! Where did our 5 pound 7 ounces baby go?!?! We’re so proud of you baby girl!




With having this dreadful disease I have one thing that keeps me going strong! My beautiful little girl is going to be 2 years old in 4 DAYS!

No matter how much pain I’m in or how many seizures I’ve had she lights me up! One smile, one kiss, one hug from this angel and I know why I’m fighting!

She may be a brat sometimes but what two year old isn’t? Lol

I love you Emma Beth!!!!!!

New Addiction

Sorry I’ve been absent WordPress. I have a lot going on. I’m stressing over my daughter’s second birthday party which is this weekend! What happened to the days people actually RSVPd?! I mean seriously?! How hard is it to email, text or call someone these days? Apparently really hard. Her birthday theme is dogs 🙂 was going to do My Little Pony, but her obsession of dogs won. We have everything ready pretty much except drinks, ice, ice cream and food. That’ll all be bought on the day of.

Another reason I’ve been absent is I and two of my close friends, who also have Lupus have started a blog titled Lupus Sisters. We also have a twitter and Instagram account going with that same name. We haven’t blogged anything yet, it’s a work in progress. Everytime I go to write an entry I get writers block.

As for the title of this entry, addiction. My newest addiction is comic books. My geekyness is complete lol! I’m new in this wide world of comics and only have started one series called Fables so far. But I plan to venture out into other comics soon. I don’t include my manga obsession I had in high school in this. I already have my name on a waiting list for when the True Blood comics come to paperback in June! I just heard of Free Comic Book Day from a friend on twitter (@CapesandCloaks). It’s may 4th and if you google it it’ll take you to a website where when you put in your zip code it’ll give you comic stores around you that are participating. I have it on my calendar and I really hope we’re able to go! Never know with my hubby’s job if he’ll be off work or not 😦

Well that’s it for now.

8th Tattoo

Last night I got my 8th tattoo! I love it so much! My friend April did an amazing job as always and it looks way better than the doodle I came up with!


The meaning of the tattoo is that I love my daughter for infinity!

Scary Saturday Night

For the first time I had a seizure in the tub. I swallowed tub water too. I’m fine but it was scary. I’ve fallen and had a seizure while taking a shower, but never while laying in the tub. They always tell you not to take a bath if you have seizures, guess I should of listened. I’ve had seizures since 2009 and I guess my way of thinking was it’s never happened before so I’ll be fine. Not sure how I could be so stupid.

It’s been a while WordPress.

Start off on Feb. 9th, our 2nd wedding anniversary. It was a good day. We had Emma the whole day because our baby sitting plans fell through, but we didn’t mind. Shawn got me up and told me he wanted to start the day early and go out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Well I got Emma and I ready and he’s still playing Dead Space 3 haha. 

Well only memorable thing that happened at Cracker Barrel was that Emma threw her little bowl of dumplings in the floor and the bowl shattered… First time she’s ever done that! I FELT HORRIBLE! But the manager came over and said his boys had broken more dishes than anyone in the restaurant lol.

After that we began our day of shopping around at Walmart, the mall, and Target. Emma actually took her nap in the cart in Walmart. So to let her finish out her nap Shawn walked around more after we were done shopping and I got a long over due hair cut in the hair salon inside Walmart. 

After that we went to Bass Pro Shop. I hardly ever go in there and stupid me was looking for the Merry-Go-Round. I asked a guy that worked there and he said that they only have that during Christmas time *facepalm* you can tell I really hardly ever go there lol. Emma and I walked around, look at the shooting range area and looked at the fish. My husband was in the archery area, he wants to pick up archery and even told me he thought about taking up hunting. I laughed so hard in my head at the idea of Shawn hunting lol! My nerdy man out in the woods with a gun looking for something to shoot -.- bahahaha. My dad was a hunter and I don’t really know what his personality was like but I know that he and Shawn are probably nothing alike lol.

After Bass Pro we finally headed to Olive Garden! YUMMY!!!! Emma threw  a fit in there though -.- I don’t know why they can’t have belts on booster seats to keep the kiddo from standing up?! Emma kept trying to play with a vase on the divider thing between the booths so instead of waiting on a waiter to bring us a highchair I just walked over and got it myself. Emma was not a happy camper when we put her in the high chair. She cried and screamed for maybe 10 or less minuets and then finally settled down when the soup and salad came. After that it was a pleasant meal.

I was supposed to get a new tattoo at 5pm that day but Shawn didn’t really want me to get it on our anniversary. He kept saying that if he scheduled to do something on our anniversary that I’d be livid with him, and he was right. So I rescheduled it.

We ended the night at our local comic book store. (nerds)


On Valentines Day we did nothing. Three people got fired at Shawn’s work so he had to work a double. His work schedule is going to be crazy until they filled those positions. Yesterday he came home with flowers for me and Emma along with chocolate truffles 🙂

Well that’s pretty much all thats really happened lately that I can think of. Until next time.


Jalapeño on a Spoonie

Ate lunch Shawn & I ate at Applebee’s and we got ice cream for dessert, but our waitress only brought two spoons. So when I asked for another one it took her a good while to come back. When she brought me my spoon I used it to take a bite out of Shawn’s brownie and then my tongue and lips started tingling and felt hot! I asked the waitress how they washed their silverware (manager standing in earshot) and she said they wash them twice. The manager asked me if it tasted like jalapeño sauce and I told her I have no idea because I don’t eat spicy & hot stuff. So we ended up getting more free dessert because of what happened. I wasn’t mad. Actually all I could do wash laugh my butt off lol. Still kinda disgusting that something was on my spoon though.


I can not believe February 1st, 2013 is here already! I hope it’s a ton better than January was! Only thing good about January was Emma started talking more. Other than that it just seems like a blur of my lupus flare, seizures, Emma getting sick, my mom getting sick, my grandma getting sick and me getting sick. Ugh that’s a lot of sick for one house! No idea why my husband or my stepdad didn’t catch whatever we had.

Does anyone have anything excited planned for this month already????

February 9th is Shawn and my 2 wedding anniversary! All we have to do to make that day perfect is going to my FAVORITE restaurant, Olive Garden!!!! We even had our small wedding reception there! We didn’t have a big fancy wedding because I had already done that with my first marriage and that was money I’d never get back and plus I was 7 months pregnant at the time lol. So we got married in the court house and ate at Olive Garden afterwards with a small amount of family and friends.

